Quickest Delivery For Fresh Flowers
Birthday Flowers Delivery
Special Occasions
Same Day/Next Day Delivery
Costom Bouquet & Delivery
.. or anything else
Flowers are a gift that’s perfect for any occasion. They are a great way to celebrate a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary, share commiserations with someone who’s sick or has suffered a loss, or let someone know you’re thinking of them.
However, delivering flowers to a recipient can sometimes be challenging. Mostly, we rely on traditional courier times and routes, which means you can’t be 100% confident when the flowers will arrive, or in what condition.
The good news is there is another, possibly more reliable and cost-effective way. Rather than crossing your fingers and hoping the beautiful bouquet you’ve requested arrives at the intended recipient at the right time and in good condition, you can hire a tasker from the Ezy Peazy platform to do the pickup and delivery for you. You can pick a day and time that suits you and the recipient, then sit back and relax, knowing that the flower delivery will be taken care of.
Here’s how a flowers pickup and delivery service can help:
While many florists offer a delivery service, this may be limited to specific times or locations. Many of us have experienced wanting flowers delivered the same day, only to discover that the deadline for pickup has already passed.
Suppose you need your beautiful bouquet delivered to a location your chosen florist doesn’t deliver to or at a different time than they can accommodate. In that case, you can find a tasker on the Ezy Peazy platform to do your flower pickup and delivery.
They can work with your schedule and deliver the flowers wherever and whenever they need to go. Just let them know where to pick the flowers up from and where they need to go, and they’ll take care of the rest. They may even be able to pick the perfect bouquet for you based on your preferences.
Are you after a flower bouquet that’s a little unique? Or perhaps you don’t have a local flower shop you can visit to request a custom bouquet? Check with the pool of talented local taskers on the Ezy Peazy platform. There may be some keen gardeners with beautiful flowers they’d love to arrange for you.
They may also be able to deliver that bouquet wherever you need it to go (or there’ll be another tasker who can take care of that for you instead). Simply post your custom bouquet task on Ezy Peazy and wait for trusted local taskers to respond.
There’s something special about receiving flowers on your birthday. They help signal that it’s a special day and the person who sent the flowers wishes to commemorate it!
If you’d like flowers delivered to a special person on their birthday, you can find a tasker through the Ezy Peazy Platform. Just let them know where to pick the flowers up from and where to deliver them too. You could also ask if they’d be willing to sing happy birthday to the recipient, although there are no guarantees they’ll sing in tune!
If a loved one is feeling a little under the weather, flowers are a great gift to help cheer them up. Simply find a florist or store that sells their favourite bloom, beautifully wrapped and presented.
While you’d ideally prefer to deliver the flowers yourself, you may be in a situation where that’s not possible. Don’t stress; you are sure to find a tasker on the Ezy Peazy platform who can take care of the delivery for you, so special someone will know you’re thinking of them, and you’re hoping they’ll get better soon.
Sometimes you just want to show someone you care, think of them, and think they’re special. What better way to express that than to send them a bouquet out of the blue, or on a special occasion like an anniversary or Valentine’s day?
No matter the occasion, or the reason, if you need flowers delivered, you’ll find a trusted local tasker on the Ezy Peazy platform to take care of the delivery for you.
It’s only human to forget to send someone flowers, or you leave it to the last minute, or something unexpected happens that throws your timing out. The net result is that you need to arrange same-day or next-day flower delivery.
If this happens to you, check in with the Ezy Peazy tasker community to find a tasker who can deliver flowers to your recipient the same day. If you have a little more warning, or you remember in advance, and you have a bit more time to spare, you can also organise for next day flower delivery.
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“Great communicatin. Fast and reliable.”
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“Thanks Melvin, really helped me out a lot. Good guy”
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“Leigh provided very quick help with thorough and instant communication!”
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Find local and affordable flower pickup and delivery services near you. With Ezy Peazy, it’s safe, convenient, and easy to find a local tasker to pick up and deliver your floral gift safely.
You only need a few clicks to post your flower pickup and delivery services requirements. Add your location, budget and preferred time to the Ezy Peazy platform for free and wait for the offers. Select your preferred tasker for the job and get your flower pickup and delivery underway.
You can trust our large network of experienced, rated, reviewed and reputable taskers on the Ezy Peazy platform. Plus, we secure the payment until your flowers have been delivered to the recipient.
Post your flower pickup and delivery services task with Ezy Peazy today!
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Need help selecting a lovely bunch of flowers and delivering them for a friend in Westmere area Auckland. $100 payment including nice flowers for around $60 and the $40 for yourself. I am not around the area this long weekend so looking for a hand!