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We're thrilled to announce our equity crowdfunding campaign!

For the first time ever, we're offering everyone, with a special focus on our Posters and Taskers, the chance to invest in Ezy Peazy. Our equity crowdfunding round is now live on PledgeMe.

Register your interest

Disclaimer: Please be assured that we will not share this information to anyone. We are collecting this info to keep you informed throughout the process.
Registration of interest





Building and growing a marketplace platform like Ezy Peazy, where two parties interact and exchange services and money, is incredibly challenging. Many other brands have come and gone, but we've demonstrated our resilience and are already miles ahead of where they faltered. We're growing steadily and are determined to stay here for the long haul!
But this is just the beginning – we have grand aspirations and ambitious plans for the future, and if there's anyone we want to be a part of it, it’s YOU, our community!

Interested in investing in Ezy Peazy? Now's your opportunity!

We've been hesitant to offer shares, especially to traditional investors, because we want to be free to make the decisions with our members’ best interests at heart. That's why we have never sought investment from outside sources.
However, Ezy Peazy has always been enthusiastic about crowdfunding because it values its community, whether they are customers or workers. It's a platform created by people, for people, and having community members as shareholders not only brings in investment but also a host of ambassadors to support the cause.
The community deserves to have the chance to invest in Ezy Peazy, and by supporting its growth, individuals can potentially see a return on investment as the value of shares could increase over time.
This is our first fundraising round, and we may not have another opportunity like this for some time! As we’re still early in our journey, company shares are available at what we believe is a bargain.

Why Invest in Us?

Throughout our journey, we've progressed from crawling to toddling, and now it's time to take confident strides forward. With a small team, we've built a strong foundation. But to complete the entire project, we need more expertise and resources.
  • Starting from scratch, Ezy Peazy has facilitated over 16,000 jobs on the platform to date.
  • Over 250 workers have collectively earned more than $800,000 by completing jobs.
  • After Auckland, Ezy Peazy has expanded to Christchurch and Wellington.
  • 95% of jobs have received 5-star reviews (Read Reviews).
The funds we raise will enable us to expand and strive to reach every home in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton.



number of user joined
We are committed to achieving two primary goals, which, ironically, are anything but simple.

Our aim is to provide Taskers with:

  1. Sufficient Leads to optimize their working hours effectively.
  2. Easy access to leads based on the stellar reputation they cultivate on Ezy Peazy.
  3. Elimination of bidding wars
  4. Personalized websites (yes, we have plans for that).
  5. Reduced competition, preserving margins and time.
  6. Timely payments.
  7. High-value job opportunities ($2k+).
It's important to note that Ezy Peazy doesn't require thousands of Taskers; rather, we seek a select group of honest individuals with impeccable integrity who deliver reliable, top-notch services. We strive to bring a substantial volume of jobs to this esteemed group.
For our Posters, we aim to deliver:

  1. Dependable workers.
  2. High-quality workmanship.
  3. Competitive pricing.
  4. Swift turnaround times.
  5. Exceptional after-sales support.
  6. Seamless access to customer service.
  7. Efficient dispute resolution mechanisms.
Are these not straightforward and logical objectives? Yet, ironically, they pose significant challenges when it comes to implementation within an online platform.
There will be much more information on our pitch page. To see it before the crowd, register your interest by dropping your details and we’ll keep you posted.

Crowdfunding FAQs:

Let us answer a few questions about crowdfunding.
Equity crowdfunding is the process whereby people (i.e. the ‘crowd’) invest in an early- stage unlisted company (a company that is not listed on a stock market) in exchange for shares in that company.
A shareholder has partial ownership of a company and stands to profit on an Exit Event (i.e. IPO, merger or sale) should the company continue to perform well and increase in value. The opposite is also true, so if the company fails investors can lose some, or all, of their investment.
We're crowdfunding to raise awareness, capital, and earn ambassadors. Throughout our journey, we've progressed from crawling to toddling, and now it's time to take confident strides forward.
We understand precisely what we require to achieve our primary goals (mentioned earlier). We need capital to:
  • Expand our team to accelerate the development and execution of plans.
  • Reach out and bring our mission to a broader audience.
Our earnest desire is to make a tangible difference, assisting more and more people in accessing what they need. We aim to establish a strong presence in all major cities in New Zealand before expanding into other countries.
You’ll become a shareholder in Ezy Peazy - a part-owner of the company. We may also offer investors a range of exclusive rewards alongside the equity they receive for their investment. We'll share more details of the rewards available once the funding campaign opens.
We'll provide more detailed information in our Information Memorandum when we launch the campaign. Here are a few potential ways to receive returns:
  1. Sale of the company.
  2. IPO (Initial Public Offering).
  3. Ezy Peazy may repurchase your shares. If shareholders wish to sell shares, we may facilitate the selling process if there is interest.
  4. Dividends are a possibility, although for a growing business like ours, they are likely to be at least 2-3 years away from being paid out. This is because profits are typically reinvested back into the business to support its growth.
If, as a shareholder, you want to buy or sell shares, you can register your interest with us and we can manage the buying and selling of shares if there’s interest.
We'll provide more detailed information in our Information Memorandum when we launch the campaign.
It will be via a live campaing that we'll be launching in March 2024. Subscribe to our mailing list priority access which will allow you to be the first to know when the campaign goes live. Once it has gone live, you can then make your official investment and be able to call yourself a Ezy Peazy shareholder.
PledgeMe is a Wellington, New Zealand-based crowdfunding platform which offers project and equity crowdfunding.

Thank you,
Team Ezy Peazy